The Power of Christ's Presence in Our Midst
Today’s Gospel is a fascinating story that is only seen in Luke. Matthew and Mark only refer to Jesus being crucified between two...

The Sacrament of Healing
You know that I do writing and occasionally I am contacted to do some volunteer writing usually for Catholic events. I was asked to...

Be the Loving Face of Christ
Cardinal Robert Sarah in his new book: The Day Is Now Far Spent, addresses the issues of the current problems in the Church. He puts it...

Dr. Peter Kreeft, John's Gospel and Writing
Boston College philosophy professor Dr. Peter Kreeft is a prolific writer. He uses his Socratic writing skills to teach about how to come...

Interceding for Others
I am going to ask you to think a bit during this homily. I want you to look at well-known scenario of the Prodigal Son. We know that this...

How Much Do I Love You Lord?
If today’s Gospel was a Twitter feed we would think that Jesus’ account was hijacked. After all, He is part of the Trinity which teaches...

The Humbled Will Be Exalted
Several years ago, I got a tour of the headquarters for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC. Located near...

How Many Will Be Saved?
In Luke 13: 22–30 The Apostles ask Jesus who will be saved? The answer is a perennial one that has varying degrees of accuracy. There are...

What Do You Treasure?
There has been a series of fascinating articles coming out over the past few weeks. These talk of technologies that I predicted almost...

The Urgency of Holiness
There is a question that people used to ask in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s to see what kind of baby-boomer members of my generation are. The...