The Vocation of the Laity
What is the mission of the Church? It is simple God entrusts both the ordained and the laity to the mission to save souls. We do other...
St. Teresa's Road
St. Teresa of Avila in her Way of Perfection explains that salvation is the greatest treasure available to everyone of us. Therefore, she...
The Most Important Mission
Sometimes people ask for a sign that what we believe as Catholics is true, that Jesus is the Lord and Savior and the source of eternal...
The First Purge, A Reflection: Just because it is legal does not mean it is not a sin
If there is one movie worth reflecting on this Summer, it might be the First Purge. This is not necessarily a recommendation, mind you,...
Shepherds for Today
Many years ago, an incident happened that angered me greatly for its hypocrisy. An inner city young adult was looking for a job. He was a...
Writing to be Read
I had an interesting internal conflict late, last month and it led me to ask the question why do I write a blog when I could get paid by...
The Call the Repentance
In today’s Gospel, we see something powerful in Jesus’ commission to the Apostles. He sends them into into the world, to call people to...
The Mechanics of Mortal Sin
Why is it that a mortal sin will end your relationship with God? It would seem that God becomes easily offended if one’s sin leads Him to...
Are We Unable to See Jesus in Our Midst
Imagine this scenario: Someone is suffering from some incurable disease. He or she has visited every doctor in the land. Granted, this is...
Being Stronger Priests
Lately, there has been a strong demand for what is called "orthodox" priests and bishops. Orthodox comes from the Greek and actually...