The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail
If you look at today’s gospel, you can see this is where Jesus proclaims that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Catholic...
Daniel's Dream: Still Important Today!
One reason people do not read the Bible is they claim that it was written so long ago that it is no longer relevant to us. That comes...
All Things Work for the Good of Those Who Love God
Last week there was a Catholic weekend event where the youth celebrated their Christian faith. Much of what happens in these events is an...
Persevere Against the Forces Against You
There is something powerful to notice in the parable of the Sower and the Seeds. In each of the cases in the failed seeds, an outside...
The Ministry of Presence
One of the most important forms of ministry for a priest in a truly urban environment is what is known as a ministry of presence. This...
Are You In a Cave or In the Sunshine?
Everyday we need to ask ourselves if we are in a cave or outside in the sunshine. One of the ancient condemnations found in the Old...
The Message to Us in Abraham and Isaac
Why would a loving God demand someone to sacrifice his own child, especially his first born and one that is the answer to a prayer; a...
The Media Myth
The current behind the scenes revelations about CNN demonstrate something that challenges our American mythology, but it should not have....
Sunday Homily: Our Faith Is Not Rocket Science
Fr. Jose Fortea from Spain is a powerful exorcist from the Church. However, despite his work and his world wide preaching on drawing...
The 'Hood and the Media
When I ministered in a mostly Hispanic Massachusetts city, I discovered something about the media that permanently changed my vision of...