Read the Warning Signs
The recent tragedy at the Penn State Fraternity that led to the death of one of its pledges is unfortunate in its avoidability. According...
You Are Precious Stones in a Spiritual House—St. Peter
St. Peter describes us as living stones built into a spiritual house. That is an ancient symbol of the Church found also in other Christian
A Dark Soul
“I can’t believe you walked by that $100 bill on the sidewalk.” A man called out to Jack as he walked over to money. They were on...
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Truth
Those who know me, know that I often quote Thomas Paine: "The government that governs least, governs best." As you know the principles of...
The Fremont Experience
If you have a house that is far from pristine condition and you are selling it, you do not say it needs repair, you call it a handyman’s...
Because I Said So!
One of the comments we often hear in certain circles is the need to follow Church teaching. "You need to follow Church teaching; you need...
Sunday Homily: Emmaus, Mass and Us
One of the great misnomers in the faith is that it is filled with words written long ago and therefore no longer applies. If there is any...
But Doesn't the Church Preach Forgiveness?
One of the common questions that I receive is why does the diocese (name yours here if you want) preach forgiveness and then doesn't...
Doris' Guitar
At sixty-eight years old, Thomas Michaels decided his life was over. Sure others lived for a long time beyond the sixties and well into...
A Way to Strengthen Your Discipleship
Let us take a hypothetical situation. Joe and Jim. Joe is seeking to draw close to Christ and so on Sundays, he will not only abstain...