You Are Precious Stones in a Spiritual House—St. Peter
St. Peter describes us as living stones built into a spiritual house. That is an ancient symbol of the Church found also in other Christian
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Truth
Those who know me, know that I often quote Thomas Paine: "The government that governs least, governs best." As you know the principles of...
But Doesn't the Church Preach Forgiveness?
One of the common questions that I receive is why does the diocese (name yours here if you want) preach forgiveness and then doesn't...
A Way to Strengthen Your Discipleship
Let us take a hypothetical situation. Joe and Jim. Joe is seeking to draw close to Christ and so on Sundays, he will not only abstain...
Works without Faith
If you did a double take at the title, then you recognize the original term. It comes from St. James and he proclaims that faith without...